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게시판 검색

총 게시글 1116

현재 페이지 44/56

256 right submandibular gland pleomorphic adenoma
15.06 16
박병현 / 조회수 : 22
right submandibular gland pleomorphic adenoma.pptxright submandibular gland pleomorphic adenoma.pptx  
255 chronic pancreatitis and pneumobilia
15.06 12
박병현 / 조회수 : 26
chronic pancreatitis.pptxchronic pancreatitis.pptx  
254 palpable abd movable mass 로 내원
15.06 10
박병현 / 조회수 : 37
sigmoid colon cancer with liver metastasis.pptxsigmoid colon cancer with liver metastasis.pptx  
253 left renal early cystic RCC 환자입니다
15.06 09
박병현 / 조회수 : 36
a case of early cystic rcc.pptxa case of early cystic rcc.pptx  
252 GB neck stone with distension
15.06 04
박병현 / 조회수 : 41
gb neck stone with distension.pptxgb neck stone with distension.pptx  
251 Multiple metastatic cancer of liver and duodenal stent insertion due to known pancreatic head cancer
15.06 04
박병현 / 조회수 : 30
multiple metastatic cancer of liver and duodenal stent.pptxmultiple metastatic cancer of liver and duodenal stent.pptx  
250 (Quiz)FL grade
15.06 04
강태경 / 조회수 : 31
(quiz)fl grade_kacu일반증례용_강태경2015.6.4.ppt(quiz)fl grade_kacu일반증례용_강태경2015.6.4.ppt  
249 inhomogenous pancreas
15.05 29
김종수 / 조회수 : 37
1(1).jpg1(1).jpg   2(1).jpg2(1).jpg   3.jpg3.jpg  
248 71세 남자 간내 다발성 담석증
15.05 29
김창민 / 조회수 : 38
hjn-liver_0010.jpghjn-liver_0010.jpg   hjn-liver_0011.jpghjn-liver_0011.jpg   hjn-liver_0007.jpghjn-liver_0007.jpg   hjn-liver_0008.jpghjn-liver_0008.jpg   hjn-liver_0001.jpghjn-liver_0001.jpg  
247 abdominal aortic aneurysm with thrombi
15.05 27
박병현 / 조회수 : 27
abdominal aortic aneurysm with thrombi.pptxabdominal aortic aneurysm with thrombi.pptx  
246 tertiary hyperparathyroidism
15.05 22
박병현 / 조회수 : 28
tertiary hyperparathyroidism.pptxtertiary hyperparathyroidism.pptx  
245 비만인 급성 충수염 환자
15.05 18
이재준 / 조회수 : 54
244 15/F, left thyroid mass
15.05 16
박병현 / 조회수 : 42
thyroid cancer with left cervical ln.pptxthyroid cancer with left cervical ln.pptx  
243 53세 남
15.05 14
박병현 / 조회수 : 34
appendicitis with ileal wall thickening.pptxappendicitis with ileal wall thickening.pptx  
242 28세여자 우하복부통증
15.05 14
박선우 / 조회수 : 49
241 perforated appendicitis with abscess
15.05 13
박병현 / 조회수 : 31
perforated appendicitis with abscess formation.pptxperforated appendicitis with abscess formation.pptx  
240 18세 여자
15.05 13
박병현 / 조회수 : 31
ileocecitis with lap.pptxileocecitis with lap.pptx  
239 43세 남자 옆구리 부위 통증
15.05 11
박병현 / 조회수 : 51
diverticulitis.pptxdiverticulitis.pptx   diverticulitis(0).pptxdiverticulitis(0).pptx  
238 오랜만에 올립니다
15.04 27
이재준 / 조회수 : 63
237 Hepatic cyst adjacent GB
15.04 25
김화종 / 조회수 : 53
anechoic lesion adjacent gb_051(0).jpganechoic lesion adjacent gb_051(0).jpg   anechoic lesion adjacent gb_058(0).jpganechoic lesion adjacent gb_058(0).jpg   anechoic lesion adjacent gb_032.jpganechoic lesion adjacent gb_032.jpg   anechoic lesion adjacent gb_159.jpganechoic lesion adjacent gb_159.jpg   anechoic lesion adjacent gb_296.jpganechoic lesion adjacent gb_296.jpg  

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